Build Your own Home online
Bathroom Industrial

Bathroom Industrial

BYOH clip

Kitchen Transitional

Kitchen Transitional

Bathroom modern

Bathroom modern

Kitchen Modern Farmhouse

Kitchen Modern Farmhouse

Kitchen Classic

Kitchen Classic

Build Your own Home online
To Experience it for yourself
An online interactive way to customize your new home. Using Unreal 4, real-time and streaming technology, I lead a team that created one of the worlds first online interactive house building tools. Over 100,000 different selection combinations.
We mostly focused on Kitchen and bath, as it was a good first step in a visual home buying process.

Team of 5
I lead and managed the team
Developed factory-like pipeline for asset creation, Unreal 4 asset management using blueprint system for plug+play ready assets
All design elements are swappable, reflected in real-world selection
Created all modular, swappable by customer, hardware assets and design materials

Developed look & feel, lighting

High - low poly - texture - blue-print ready
- Cabinets - 250+
- Lighting fixtures - 20+
- Plumbing hardware - 50+
- Furniture - 20+

Design Center materials (PBR)
Floors - 150+
Cabinet - 30+
Metals for hardware - 10+
Tile + Backsplash - 100+

Designed User-experience

Tech Art - Tim Polyak - (Blueprints + UI + some appliances) -
3D Artist - Nick Rose - (Most Furniture - Layout Design - Some appliances) -

More artwork